Organ Console
Gloria Dei’s Organ was built by the Los Angeles Organ Company – an Allen Organ Heritage Quantum classical organ. Here are a few more details of this amazing instrument:
- Oak (Matched finish) Narrow-Base Low-Profile French Console
- Built to AGO Specifications
- 3 Manuals
- 58 Speaking Stops, with 7 Voicing Suites
- German Laukhuff wood-core keyboards and rosewood accents.
Bosendorfer 225 Grand Piano
The piano in the sanctuary is a Bösendorfer Grand Piano 225 made with 92 keys, instead of the common 88 keys.
“It has been crafted dedicating to the tradition of Viennese piano building… Delicately fragile pianissimo to brilliant fortissimo, this Bösendorfer Grand sways the audience – down to the Subcontra F. These additional bass notes do not only enrich the tonal volume of the instrument, but subsequently paint additional sound colors and open up an orchestral sound spectrum. This unique sonic presence in all registers is the sound basis of the popularity of the Bösendorfer 225 as chamber and solo instrument.” (bosendorfer.com)