
We extend the hospitality that God shows us in Jesus Christ, so all are welcome whether on the internet or through the front door… “We have a very large front door!”
We’ve assembled some answers to questions you might have of us. Browse through our pages, and if you come up with more questions, send them to us – gloriadei@mygloriadei.org.
What time do you worship on Sundays? We gather at 8:30am, 10:00am, and 5:00pm every Sunday to hear God’s good news through prayers, song, reading of Scripture, Holy Communion, and preaching. You will hear the bells ringing!
Do you have a nursery? A nursery is available for preschool age children and younger at both morning services. Of course, we love to have children worship with their parents!
Do you celebrate Holy Communion? We celebrate Holy Communion at every Sunday service. All who believe that Christ is present in this Sacrament are welcome to come forward. You do not need to be a member. For those who prefer, grape juice is offered in the center of each tray. For young, non-communing children, or adults who choose not to receive the Sacrament, they may still come forward and receive a blessing.
When do you hold baptisms? We celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at various times throughout the year. Baptisms are arranged after meeting with a pastor to find out all the necessary information. Please call the church office.
How should I dress? Jeans/flip flops or suits/dress shoes are equally welcome!
Where can I park? We’ve finished our parking lot expansion! There’s room for you. We have several lots and an elevator to get you down to the lowest building, the sanctuary.
What’s available for my children on Sunday morning? We have a nursery for our very young children during worship, but we would also love them to be part of our services too. There are “Kid’s Bags” they can grab on their way into worship. During the school year at the 8:30am and 10am service, we have Sunday school for preschool – fifth grade. For Junior High (Confirmation), High School, and Adults, we have regular fellowship and classes, including L&L – Lunch and Learn. That is, one Sunday/month we gather for fellowship and a learning opportunity. Confirmation students meet with the pastor and youth director, while the adults meet in Bankson Hall for a learning opportunity. Click here to check the newsletter for details. The vision for our church is both a place of worship and learning on Sunday mornings.
Am I really welcome? Me? Yes! God’s grace is for everyone. It doesn’t matter your background, your nationality, your race, your sexual orientation (LGBTQ+), your political persuasion, single, married, your age, or any other category by which people judge and divide others up. You are created in “Imago Dei”, the image of God, and God in Jesus shows us His love unconditionally. Maybe the better question would be – Do I need God’s love? If so, come! Again, “We have a very large front door!”
How do I become a member, a part of this community? There are two ways to join the Gloria Dei family:
1. Transfer your membership from a Lutheran Congregation.
2. For those of non-Lutheran background, attend the Adult Inquiry Class on Saturday morning, from 9 am ‘til noon in the Fellowship Hall. (This is a membership class, but is open to anyone interested in learning more about the Lutheran faith.)
Then, for ALL New Members joining…
1) A New Member Orientation meeting will be held on a Sunday (lunch), at Pastor David and Kimberly Mattson’s home. Meet Church Council members, the staff and other new members. Also learn about the programs, privileges and responsibilities of membership.
2) New members will be received at Gloria Dei during Sunday morning worship.
If you are interested in membership, please speak with a pastor or call the church office at (949) 493-3414, or simply sign up on the patio!
Can you give me directions?
From the north: As you are traveling south on the 5 freeway, take the Camino Capistrano exit and turn left. Turn right on Stonehill. At the third light, turn left into the church parking lot. 33501 Stonehill Drive. From the south: As you are traveling north on the 5 freeway, take the Beach Cities Exit (Pacific Coast Highway) into Dana Point. Turn right at Del Obispo and then turn left at Stonehill. At the second light, turn left into our parking lot.