LENT 2025
Lent is the 40 day preparation for Easter.

Lent 2025 begins with Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025. On that day, we will have Imposition of Ashes in three ways: 1) Drive-by between 8-9am. Pastor David and Assistant Minister Dana Becker will wait in the parking lot, meet you at your car door for a scripture reading, prayer, confession, ashes and you’re on your way, or, 2) Noon – Sanctuary worship service (inside/outside), 3) 7pm, immediately following the Soup Supper (6pm) and will take place in Bankson Hall.
EVERY WEDNESDAY during the Season of Lent, there will be a soup supper and worship beginning at 6pm. Gather in Bankson Hall. Everyone is invited! Sign-up to provide a soup.
FIRST COMMUNION instruction for children will be provided during the Season of Lent. For three Wednesdays, beginning March 12, 5:15pm, children and parents will meet with the pastor in the Sanctuary. For details and to sign-up, call the church office (949)-493-3414.