Gloria Dei offers many opportunities for large group gatherings and small and more intimate groups. There is something for everyone and all ages.
Each month there is some sort of fellowship/friendship event. Everyone is invited!
For a current list of gatherings, please click here to go to the monthly newsletter. If you have specific questions, please contact Susie Boland, Congregation Life Director:
REGULAR EVENTS: We invite you to get to know the Gloria Dei Family through some of the monthly fellowship events. Some of the monthly events include: Camp outs, picnics, potlucks, Angels’ games, progressive dinners, Christmas caroling, movies, theater, Hollywood Bowl, and more. Please click on the current newsletter for details.
Church Picnic at Dana Woods Park; Angels Baseball game; Beach Party; Rally Sunday and Breakfast; Annual Church Campout; Oktoberfest sponsored by MGD (Men of Gloria Dei); Reformation Sunday – Trick or Trunk 5:30 PM with In n’ Out truck; Thanksgiving Feast Pot Luck; Christmas Carol, and more.
WOMEN’S MINISTRY OF GLORIA DEI: The mission of the Gloria Dei Women’s Ministries is to encourage spiritual growth and to develop lasting friendships among the women of Gloria Dei. Please see their site for the calendar and more information. There are all kinds of opportunities for women to grow in faith and friendship–Bible studies, retreats, fun outings, games, “Ladies Night Out,” and much more. Please watch the monthly newsletter, the Sunday bulletin and patio signs for dates and more information. The Women’s Book Group meets on the fourth Monday of each month for discussion on a preselected book (dessert and fellowship included!). Meeting time is 7:00pm. For more detailed information on all the Women’s Ministries happenings at Gloria Dei, go to the Women’s Ministry page on this website.
MEN’S MINISTRIES/EVENTS: The following are some of the events offered at Gloria Dei for men and their friends: Fantasy Football; Spring Training Trip to AZ; Men’s Breakfast (2nd Saturday of each month, 8am); Campouts; Special Events/Speakers–Superbowl Breakfast; Pancake Breakfast; Book Club (last Tuesday of each month); Habitat for Humanity Projects; Running Club; Surfing Club; and much more coming…
PRIME TIMERS (Seniors) is a fellowship group that has a full calendar planned for 2024-2025. Watch the Bulletin for more information. They are planning dinners/outings/speakers and more on an every other month basis. You are welcome!
YOUNG COUPLES (20s and 30s): This friendship groups meets regularly for dinner and other events.
COLLEGE/CAREER: Youth Director Paige Gulck leads this young, singles group. They meet regularly for Bible studies, social events, and service opportunities. Watch the bulletin.