Palm Sunday, April 13 – Join us in person in the Sanctuary or outside in the courtyard or online at 8:30am,10am (no 5pm). To watch online, go to our youtube channel by clicking here. We will process with an actual donkey, palms, and shouts of “Hosanna!” (First Communion will be celebrated at the 10am service.)

Easter Sunday – Resurrection Sunday, April 20, 6:30am, 8:30am, and 10am. There will be lilies, brass quartet, special music, refreshments, uplifting message, and more. These service are in person (in the sanctuary or sitting outside in the courtyard or online). The Sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated at both the 6:30am (outside) and the 10am service. The “Eggstravaganza” Easter Egg Hunt for young children will take place at 9:30am. The 8:30am service will be live-streamed and available on our youtube channel. Click here to go to that channel.